Cutting Corners
Ever heard this saying? "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
In the busy workplace, there always seems to be too much to do and not enough time to do it in.
Cutting corners may feel like a short term solution, but it can lead to long term collection problems.
Some common corner cutting cases we've come across:
- Relying on opinions and hearsay rather than on credit facts.
- Not insisting that a proper credit application be completed and signed - or failing to notice that it was not signed or properly completed.
- Not verifying information that should be verified before any credit is extended.
- Not investigating and dealing with disputes promptly.
- Failing to follow up on deteriorating payment habits.
- Ignoring overdrawn credit limits instead of reviewing the customer's ability to pay.
The Bottom Line:
Take the time to be thorough. Each and every corner cut throughout your sales or lending process can become a very large obstacle down the road.